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7 covers / envelope with F.B. / Dublin / Aberdeen even 1 to Russia
C.E. ( Civil Engineers ) Exploration Syndicate envelope Sg 197 pmk IFB Triangle
1847 Envelope Red Paid London Ship Letter to Cape of Good Hope
1901 Post card to Belgium with Sg 172 with Herne - Hill S.E. Pmk & Wespelaer pmk
1859 Full entire to France with sg 66 shade 4d carmine wing margin pair & penny
1862 Austin Brothers shipping paper - Sg 80 pair (EH-EI) cancel Foreign Branch
1866 Cotton stock & sales list - Sg 43 penny plate strip of 3 Plate 80 to Egypt
1865 Letter to Oporto with Sg 97 / 6d Lilac plate 5 X 2 ( RF _ RG ) cancel rare
1862 Letter to Rhine germany - Sg 70 / 6d Lilac wing Margin London inlan Type 4
Tri / 3 / Three colour franking / printing SG 40 - Sg45 -&Sg70 to Calcutta India
1867 wrapper Rouen France - Sg 92 - 3d rose plate 4 (C D) + penny red plate 99 p
1867 Wrapper to Amsterdam with Sg 92 -3d plate 4 (JG) with marginal inscription
1867 letter to Amsterdam with Sg 92 -3d plate 4 ( I H ) & penny plate 78 ( S C )
Super scarce Envelope with sg 94 - 4d vermilion plate 10 "the rarer plate" to Pa
1869 Full double page entire to Melbourne - Sg 107 wing margin plate 6 ( B E )
1871 Wrapper to Naples with sg 109 - 6d mauve plate 9 ( S J ) Cat £140+ Boxed L1
1871 Envelope Birmingham to Malta with sg 109 / 6d mauve plate 9 ( L G ) Cat £1
1871 wrapper Manchester via London to France with Sg 102 Deep Rose plate 6 Cat£1
1873 letter to Bordeaux with Sg 102 Dp Rose plate 9 (A E) & penny plate 117 (LG
1874 Wrapper London to Copenhagen with Sg 143 - 3d deep rose plate 12 ( B J )
1874 Envelope London to United states with Sg 143 - 3d deep rose plate 12 ( KA )
1874 London to New York Sg 144 plate 14 ( B E ) & Sg 44 penny pl?? ( H E )
1875 Letter to Milano with Sg 139 plate 2 ( J K ) & 1d red plate 167 ( J C ) Cat
1876 wrapper to Marsseille Sg 139 pl 2(ED) & Sg 44 pl 181 (NJ) Cat £160+the red